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The Registrar of Financial Services Providers (Applicant) and Talksure Trading (Pty) Ltd (Respondent) (case number EC20/2014)

When a call centre uses a script stating that they have compared insurance quotes from different insurance companies and they have in fact failed to do do, such behaviour constitutes a contravention of section 2 of the GCC as it…

Related Tags (New Search): Product & Service Design,   Promotion & Marketing,   Point of Sale,   Information after Point of Sale

Masimdumise Gabriel Bhengu (Complainant) v Outsurance Insurance Company Limited (Respondent) (case number: FAIS 06001/14-15/ KZN 3)

Complainant’s complaint against the respondent was upheld as the direct insurer did not inform the complainant of the need to specify his laptop for purposes of the “out-and-about” clause in the contract.

Related Tags (New Search): Promotion & Marketing,   Point of Sale,   Information after Point of Sale

The Registrar of Short-term Insurance v Discovery Insurance (case number: EC28/2015)

Contravention of section 44 of the Short-term Insurance Act – Offering an incentive – Penalty of R100 000

Related Tags (New Search): Advice,   Promotion & Marketing,   Point of Sale

The Registrar of Financial Services Providers v Catsicadellis (First Respondent) And Botha (now Greyvenstein) (Second Respondent) (case number: EC6/2012)

The respondent distributed leaflets advertising shares. These provided misleading information that was factually incorrect and had the effect of luring members of the public into buying unsuitable products. The respondent also bought databases and used a technique commonly known as…

Related Tags (New Search): Promotion & Marketing