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The Registrar of Financial Services Providers (Applicant) and Jacobus Gouws (Respondent) (case number EC16/2014)

Anyone who conducts business with an unauthorised financial services provider while being aware of the status of the provider contravenes 7(3) of the FAIS Act and section 2 of the GCC and is liable to pay a penalty.

Related Tags (New Search): Product & Service Design,   Point of Sale

Plain-Language Explanation of the Policyholder Protection Rules (Short-term Insurance), 2017

This notice comes into operation on 1 January 2018.

Related Tags (New Search): Product & Service Design

The Registrar of Financial Services Providers and Regal Financial Services (Pty) Ltd (case number EC11/2016)

Section 3A of the GCC provides as follows: ‘No person may offer or provide a sign-on bonus to any person, other than a new entrant, as an incentive to become a Category I provider that is authorised or appointed to…

Related Tags (New Search): Product & Service Design

The Registrar of Financial Services Providers (Applicant) and Talksure Trading (Pty) Ltd (Respondent) (case number EC20/2014)

When a call centre uses a script stating that they have compared insurance quotes from different insurance companies and they have in fact failed to do do, such behaviour constitutes a contravention of section 2 of the GCC as it…

Related Tags (New Search): Product & Service Design,   Promotion & Marketing,   Point of Sale,   Information after Point of Sale

The Registrar of Financial Services Providers v Discovery Life Ltd (case number EC10/2016)

Section 3A of the GCC provides as follows: ‘No person may offer or provide a sign-on bonus to any person, other than a new entrant, as an incentive to become a Category I provider that is authorised or appointed to…

Related Tags (New Search): Product & Service Design

The Registrar of Financial Services Providers v Rowe Hooper Insurance (Applicant) and Investment Brokers CC (Respondent) (case number EC27/2015)

Where insurance policies are sold without providing advice, such behaviour brings the financial services industry into disrepute and constitutes a contravention of section 2 of the GCC.

Related Tags (New Search): Advice,   Product & Service Design,   Point of Sale

Kgabo Posch Molokomme (Complainant) v Wayne Duvall ( First Respondent) & Quanway Insurance Brokers CC  (Second Respondent) (case number FAIS 5534/07-08GP 2)

Complainant's complaint in the case of a short-term insurance policy upheld as the respondent failed to transfer the complainant’s policy together with a number of others, resulting in the complainant being without insurance.

Related Tags (New Search): Advice,   Product & Service Design,   Point of Sale,   Information after Point of Sale

General Regulations in terms of the Short-Term Insurance Act

The following content contains plain language explanations of selected (relevant) regulations in terms of the Short-Term Insurance Act, as it applies to the business of Advice.

Related Tags (New Search): Product & Service Design

General Code of Conduct for Authorised Financial Services Providers and Representatives

The following content contains plain language explanations of selected sections of the General Code of Conduct for Authorised Financial Services Providers and Representatives, 2003.

Related Tags (New Search): Advice,   Product & Service Design