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David Marthinus Adlen (Complainant) v Herman Coertzen Brokers CC and Herban Bernardus Coertzen (Respondent) (case number: FAIS 05054/12-14/GP2)

Complainant’s claim upheld where he was advised to replace one policy with another and cover was interrupted due to the change, resulting in the rejection of his claim.

Related Tags (New Search): Advice,   Point of Sale,   Information after Point of Sale

The Registrar of Financial Services Providers v Rowe Hooper Insurance (Applicant) and Investment Brokers CC (Respondent) (case number EC27/2015)

Where insurance policies are sold without providing advice, such behaviour brings the financial services industry into disrepute and constitutes a contravention of section 2 of the GCC.

Related Tags (New Search): Advice,   Product & Service Design,   Point of Sale

Charles Spencer Griffiths v Alwyn Smit Finansiële Dienste BK and Alwyn Bernarus Smit (case number: FAIS 05659/11-12/WC1)

Complainant was advised to replace an existing life policy with another policy and as this left complainant with a loss of capital and an unaffordable premium, the complaint was upheld due to the respondent’s failure to provide suitable advice.

Related Tags (New Search): Advice

Kgabo Posch Molokomme (Complainant) v Wayne Duvall ( First Respondent) & Quanway Insurance Brokers CC  (Second Respondent) (case number FAIS 5534/07-08GP 2)

Complainant's complaint in the case of a short-term insurance policy upheld as the respondent failed to transfer the complainant’s policy together with a number of others, resulting in the complainant being without insurance.

Related Tags (New Search): Advice,   Product & Service Design,   Point of Sale,   Information after Point of Sale

Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act 37 of 2002

The following content contains plain language explanations of selected sections of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act 37 of 2002.

Related Tags (New Search): Advice

The Registrar of Short-term Insurance v Discovery Insurance (case number: EC28/2015)

Contravention of section 44 of the Short-term Insurance Act – Offering an incentive – Penalty of R100 000

Related Tags (New Search): Advice,   Promotion & Marketing,   Point of Sale

General Code of Conduct for Authorised Financial Services Providers and Representatives

The following content contains plain language explanations of selected sections of the General Code of Conduct for Authorised Financial Services Providers and Representatives, 2003.

Related Tags (New Search): Advice,   Product & Service Design